Learn how much you can save after implementing a cash discount program for animal hospitals. Animal hospital surcharge programs vary by state.

Monthly Savings*


Estimate the monthly savings when you pay 0% processing fees via our surcharge or cash discount program.

Monthly Credit Card Sales: $10,000 / Month

* Estimated Savings Per Month Based on a 3.5% Average Credit Card Processing Rate.

Animal hospital cash discount programs and surcharge programs are being implemented more and more. Many animal hospitals do not look at their merchant statements. Unfortunately, the industry is full of visible fees and non-visible fees. We’re talking credit card processing fees, PCI compliance fees, gateway fees, terminal fees, software fees, annual fees, and more. Imagine a world where there were no fees. That is the program we’ve created at EliminateCardFees.com.


The savings each animal hospital can realize is nothing short of impressive. The larger savings are usually seen across the board. Sometimes smaller animal hospitals have higher credit card processing fees, so eliminating them completely can make a big impact. These savings can allow you to utilize funds for advertising, marketing, and in some of the larger animal hospitals, even hiring another veterinarian.


The importance of these savings cannot be understated. Especially when you factor in how inflation has impacted so many businesses. If you are like other animal hospital owners, you’ve likely seen both the cost of goods and the cost of labor continue to increase. In fact, a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the cost of labor has increased 4.5%.


It is not uncommon for some animal hospitals to be paying 3.5% or more in processing fees. So even eliminating processing fees isn’t enough for you to break even. However, many do not wish to raise their prices so applying a surcharge to credit card purchases significantly helps mitigate the increased cost of labor and other costs. Customers still have the choice to pay with a debit card or even cash to avoid a non-cash rate adjustment. Most are happy to hear that this isn’t a brand new concept, cash discount programs for animal hospitals have been around for ages.

There are numerous benefits of proceeding with an animal hospital cash discount program from EliminateCardFees.com. The reason our program is specifically mentioned is that while others might reduce your credit card fees, we eliminate them. If that isn’t enough, we eliminate the other fees.


Therefore, our first benefit is that our program actually eliminates credit card processing fees, not reduce them. A majority of offers on the market are to reduce the fees by 10 basis points. Significant savings are made when you eliminate them. If you skipped past the calculator above, go see how much your animal hospital could save.


Another large benefit is the elimination of all other fees. As mentioned above, most animal hospitals are accustomed to random fees like early termination fees, monthly fees, terminal fees, annual fees, gateway fees, and more. Our team works with you to eliminate the PCI compliance fee (not in our control, but we know how to help you eliminate it!) and never tack on any other fees.


Let’s keep the benefits rolling! Another one is there is no costly contract that you are locked into. You are free to leave the program at any time if you find it isn’t right for you. In fact, we offer a complimentary return to traditional processing with the need to change equipment if you don’t like eliminating all your fees for some reason. This shows how confident we are that we will eliminate the fees you pay to accept credit cards.


The technology offered with our program does all the calculating for you and setup couldn’t be easier or simpler. Your customer will automatically see an option for cash or a card. Signage is also included as well as the training of your employees on how to answer any questions about the program if that would be helpful to you.


The last benefit would be not having to raise your prices due to factors outside of your control. You can simply give you clients the option to pay your current prices with cash or debit (with a surcharge program) or even give them a cash discount deal!

google pay apple pay cash discount programs
google pay apple pay cash discount programs
The key advantages of using Google Pay & Apple Pay cash discount programs are consumer convenience. A perfect example recently happened in my personal life. I ran out the door to bring my two kids to the park and had a blast. Afterwards, they got hungry and requested McDonalds. I pulled into the drive through and forgot my wallet! Rather than entertain the thought to go 10 minutes home then 10 minutes back, I remembered I could use Google Pay! This made my day.
Now for the merchant, if I wouldn’t have been able to use Google Pay then they potentially could’ve lost my business. When I went home to grab my wallet, I likely would’ve just tried to make the kids some food at home. I don’t think there is one larger advantage than keeping a customer to place an order as opposed to having a customer leave because they forgot their primary payment method.

Disadvantages of Google Pay & Apple Pay Cash Discount Programs

As for consumer disadvantages of using Apple Pay or Google Pay cash discount programs, there would be a couple. In my opinion it is battery life and the requirement of internet connectivity. If you have no internet or a phone with no battery, this payment method will simply not work.
There are also a couple merchant disadvantages as well. One would be the requirement to have a modern terminal. Most companies charge for modern terminals or to upgrade an existing terminal. So there would be a cost associated with it. Another large disadvantage similar to card transactions is that payments can be disputed.
Both Google Pay & Apple Pay have have partnered with various POS systems and payment processors to accelerate adoption. The more integrations they are able to accomplish, the less likely a merchant will need to upgrade their terminal. This has had a profound impact on adoption as a merchant would gladly accept this form of payment as from their side it is nearly identical to accepting cards.

What Our Internal Data Says About Apple Pay & Google Pay

Based on our internal data, recent changes have made U.S retailers happy to accept Google Pay & Apply Pay. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, when businesses re-opened they did not want to handle cash which may be covered in a virus which was spread very easily. This would put their staff in danger of acquiring the virus which is avoidable with contactless payments. Supermoney wrote an incredible article on Apple Pay & Google Pay and includes some great takes on the topic.

Google Pay & Apple Pay have evolved greatly. In my opinion, it is mainly about integrations. For instance, you can now use Google Pay & Apply Pay with public transportation. I expect to see continued integrations so utilizing this payment will be as popular as utilizing a credit card. In the future, I see more countries will be able to utilize this innovative payment technologies in which the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantage for both the consumer and the merchant. Google Pay & Apple Pay cash discount programs will continue to thrive and take marketshare in our opinion.

17 Oct, 2023

Something to keep in mind when you are wanting to eliminate all of your credit card processing fees is that you have primarily two options. You can opt for a cash discount program or a surcharge program. Both are exactly the same when it comes to eliminating the credit card processing fees but the programs differ when one chooses to pay with cash.

Both of these programs have their advantages and disadvantages which we will review on this blog post. The goal is to help those who are unsure which direction to take when comparing a surcharge program vs a cash discount program.

The reason why most people get this far into the research process is simple. Instantly realizing an extra 3%+ on gross revenue (if a majority is credit card sales) is an attractive proposition. To become more profitable, you must cut expenses or increase sales. You can turbocharge your business by utilizing the savings to fuel additional advertising or marketing efforts proven to yield a positive ROI. But let’s take a look at when you could use each program.

When You Could Choose a Cash Discount Program

A cash discount program works great in commoditized industries. This is because you can attract customers by marketing your cash discount program that cares about deals. Most people prefer coupons and saving money, especially with high inflation. Some examples include convenience stores, grocery stores, gas stations, etc.

You can buy a coca cola anywhere but instead of you paying the credit card processing fees and receiving 3.5% less, you offer that discount to the customer. This enables you to stand out from all the other companies just doing the status quo and expecting to grow.

Also keep in mind that while the marketing sounds great, many people will happily pay more money for the convenience of using their cards. Want a perfect example? How often do you run into the gas station to save a few extra percent on gas? Sure – some people do. Based on my observations nearly every single car always inserts their card into the gas station pump.

When You Could Choose a Surcharge Program

A surcharge program works great in non-commoditized industries. You might be thinking, when is price ever secondary!? There are a few industries! Such as hotels that always charge resort surcharges, parking surcharges, and credit card surcharges will just be looked upon as “another” expense, etc.

Also consider plastic surgeons or cosmetic dentists, many patients will search for days, weeks, or months to find the perfect surgeon by analyzing their before and afters. Surely a customer who has gone through extreme due diligence wouldn’t mind paying an extra 3.5% to 4%. In fact, recently after getting new tires there was a sign in the shop that said all credit card transactions will incur a 4% non-cash rate adjustment. So even auto repair shops are using surcharge programs.

Surcharge programs work great if you prefer not to give a cash discount to your customers and be ultra-profitable with the transition from traditional processing to a surcharge program. You’ll have your credit card fees covered and cash covered, netting 100% of the sale price every time.

12 Sep, 2023

Eliminate Card Processing Fees

Zero Setup Fees

No More Annual Rate Hikes

Increase Net Revenue. Instantly.

Free Point of Sale Terminal* (POS)

No Contracts

Eliminate Credit Card Processing Fees!

With the average cost rendered for animal hospital services being $800 to $1,500 according to Money.com, we will use $1,200.00.


So in this example – if a client decided to pay with cash you would have two options. If you opted for the animal hospital cash discount program, you could reward them by offering a 3.5% discount for a total of $1,158.00. Your terminal would do all the calculations for you. If you opted for a surcharge program, there would be no cash discount. Surcharge programs for animal hospitals are available in most states. Contact us for details.


If your client chose to pay with a credit card with either an animal hospital cash discount or a surcharge program, a 3.5% non-cash rate adjustment would be added. This would make the total $1,242.00. This amount would cover the processing fees that are currently being dedicated from your bank account. So say goodbye to enriching the large processing companies and you’ll net the same as if you took cash. Remember, your client has the choice to avoid the rate adjustment by paying with cash. Many times, clients just pay with their credit cards to stack airline miles or other benefits from their exotic credit card reward programs.

Request a Call With Us


Give us a call at 877.624.8043 or fill out the form and a representative will reach out to you to answer any questions and send you the application to begin.


There are no setup fees. After approval, you will receive a free terminal that automates the cash discount program. There is no money out of pocket.


Our team will analyze your historical rates to identify a discount rate that is applicable to you. Typical rates are 3-4%.


To maintain compliance, you will have to post the signage. This is also great as it shows customers that you offer a cash discount!