Card Verification Code (CVC)

Term – Card Verification Code (CVC) a.k.a – Card Verification Value (CVV)

Summary – Both terms above are interchangeable and it is a major security feature found on nearly all credit & debit cards. Most major card associations such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, & Discover utilize the CVC and/or CVV code.

More Information About the Card Verification Code (CVC)

If you’ve used card frequently, you were likely never asked for this code when shopping in-person. However, if you paid your insurance over the telephone you would likely be asked about your CVC code. The same applies if you shop online, this is usually a required field. Regardless of the type of program such as interchange plus or a cash discount program, card not present transactions will typically require this value.

On Visa, MC, & Discover; it is a three digit code on the back of the card. On AMEX, you can find this as a four digit number on the front of the card. The CVC and/or CVV has done a great job at reducing fraud.

If you have any questions on how Eliminate Card Fees can eliminate all processing fees give us a call to learn more at 877-624-8043

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